Our work

See how we work with other organisations to help them achieve a more efficient, streamlined digital estate through consultation, co-production and platform deployments. 

Our deployments

Discover how Ayup Connect is currently serving over 1 million residents across four London Boroughs, each with it's own unique community look and feel and ways of configuring their own platform.

A mock-up frame of a laptop and phone side by side with a screen shot of the Connected Kingston platform.

Connected Kingston

Visit our first deployment and read the Connected Kingston story.

Learn how Connected Kingston changed the way people in the borough find help and information by bringing everything together in one place.

Read Connected Kingston Case Study >

Visit Connected Kingston
A mock-up frame of a laptop and phone side by side with a screen shot of the Hounslow Connect platform.

Hounslow Connect

Take a tour around the Hounslow Connect platform.

Discover how the team at Hounslow make the most of flexible features like information pages and community events. 

Visit Hounslow Connect
A mock-up frame of a laptop and phone side by side with a screen shot of the Sutton Information Hub platform.

Sutton Information Hub

Visit the London Borough of Sutton's Information Hub

See how Sutton have incorporated statutory information into their hub, to bring all health and wellbeing services into one place with great success.

Read Sutton Information Hub Case Study >

Visit Sutton Information Hub
A mock-up frame of a laptop and phone side by side with a screen shot of the Connected Bexley platform.

Connected Bexley

Visit the first of our VCSE-commissioned platforms

See how Connected Bexley are showcasing the collective strength of their community services with an easy to navigate platform. 

Visit Connected Bexley