Local Authorities

A directory that draws on the collective strength of technology, insight, and community engagement for high-relevant, quality information.

Teams we work with

Here are some of the teams we work with at local authorities.

Family Information Service


Adult Social Care

Care Leavers Local Offer

Co-creating a community asset

Ayup Connect engages important stakeholders right at the very start of the process. Local voluntary services help shape the directory, while residents have their say on how they would use it.

This approach results in a community asset that has all relevant information in one place, structured in a way that makes sense to everyone involved.

A picture of Hounslow Connect's home screen on a laptop, and a category menu on a phone.

Localised look and feel

Ayup Connect has been built around the challenges of local authorities, but it’s far from an “off-the-shelf” product.

A collage of three platform front ends for different local authorities

We’ll work with you to inject your directory with your community’s personality, from imagery and tone, to how the search function works. This separates your platform from Government information websites to give it a look and feel that is instantly recognisable to visitors.

Shared ownership, shared responsibility

Flexible admin roles gives your ownership over data, while delegating service information and updates to contributing organisations. Give higher level access to an appointed team member who can approve updates for data quality assurance, while a traffic light system and stale data notifications allows them to see at a glance which content is due a refresh.

Handover responsibility for populating service information to the providers themselves, giving them control to create their own permission hierarchy, while you get final say before it goes live.

An example of the freshness traffic light system in the back end of the Ayup Connect platform, and a box which displays a user record and their flexible permissions.
A search box with a bar, a category menu, and another box with options on different kinds of services to search for

Custom-created intuitive search

There is a lot of information to get across to residents, and organising it in a way that makes it easy for them to access, is critical. Ayup Connect search features allow you to match key terms, create exclusion words and relevant filtering, while the custom algorithm determines how the searches appear.

These powerful signposting features elevate your directory from a mass of information to a clear route to the resources that best fit the resident’s search.

Get in touch

We've worked with several local authorities in the past, and would be happy to answer any questions you might have around how a directory can help you streamline your information and collaborate with local services. 

Contact Us
A picture of Ayup's directors Ste Taylor and Mike Stephens in a hallway