Statutory IAG

A modern directory for statutory information, support and guidance

Manage statutory information all in one place, while providing a user friendly search function that mirrors your local area.

Ensure your information on SEND Local Offer, Family Information Services (FIS), Care Leavers Local Offer and IAG can be easily found by your residents, with customisable search and signpost features which directs them to the most relevant information.

Graphics of a search bar, an event listing, and a button which says "find events"
An example of the freshness traffic light system in the back end of the Ayup Connect platform, and a box which displays a user record and their flexible permissions.

A simple way to manage information

Behind the scenes of the friendly, accessible frontend that is localised with the look and feel of your area, Ayup Connect’s content management system allows you to appoint different platform administrators to create a tiered system of access and control. This means that you can share responsibility for the updates and management of all the support, services, information and guidance on the platform

“Super admins” have oversight on new and refreshed content to ensure safeguarding and quality assurance. Other admin access levels created specifically for service providers hands responsibility for populating listings and pages over to them, while giving you ultimate control over content via the approval process.

Clear signposting to crucial support

Adaptable search features elevate a list of services into a dynamic directory which signposts visitors to relevant information. Ayup Connect’s search is powered by a custom algorithm which weights key terms and matches them with similar phrases, while adaptable filters and exclusion or “stop” words can personalise your search feature in a way that fits in with your local community.

A search box with a bar, a category menu, and another box with options on different kinds of services to search for
A laptop with Ayup's logo on it, and multiple boxes above outline different service categories

A platform to build on

Why stop at your statutory obligation? Ayup Connect offers a clear, accessible and user-friendly platform where you can build an information eco-system for all local services. Our extensive taxonomies let you tag services which can be pulled into an umbrella category, meaning you can gather relevant information into one place quickly and simply. This means you can build upon essential guidance, like SEND services, without services getting lost in a maze of information, lists and links.

Get in touch

If bringing together important information in a way that encourages people to use it, while sharing responsibility sounds interesting to your organisation, we'd love to explain more.

Let's chat
A picture of Ayup's directors Ste Taylor and Mike Stephens in a hallway

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