Social Prescribing

Enabling social prescribing for everyone

A community that works together makes for happier, healthier residents. We help to enable a “social prescribing for all” model with a co-created directory platform that allows everyone to take a proactive approach to their own wellbeing. Ayup Connect provides the missing link, giving visibility and accessibility to all the support and services available in your community.

A category list with a squiggle linking to a button that says "make a connection"
A laptop with Ayup's logo on it, and multiple boxes above outline different service categories

A valuable link in social-prescribing

By working with local stakeholders, and co-creating a user friendly directory drawing on insights from service providers and residents themselves, Ayup Connect creates a bridge between discovery and referrals. This makes the benefits of social prescribing more widely available and accessible for all. For link workers and social prescribers, it means they can access all the information for local support in one place, and know it is up-to-date.

A seamless journey for early intervention and signposting

Ayup Connect follows common data standards to achieve interoperability. This means we can integrate your directory with other required systems, such as social prescribing case management software. The platform itself is community-centred, both in the look and feel of the directory and the way visitors search for information. Residents can be confident in searching for support, and either self-refer into a service, or link to an external case management system.

This light-touch referral feature opens up self care and early intervention and can reduce the need to go backwards and forwards between health professionals, thereby alleviating time pressures for professionals and lengthy waits for residents.

A search box, three cards illustrating standards and a button which says "make a connection", all joined with a squiggly line.
Computer and phone with platform homepages and a box with a user permission record.

A comprehensive and accurate resource for professionals

Link workers and social prescribers who use external case management systems can be confident in the information on Ayup Connect's directory platform. The service and support data is hyper-localised thanks to early engagement with community stakeholders and service providers. 

A comprehensive onboarding process that empowers local services means the information is more up to date and of a higher quality than existing information that’s scattered in different places and potentially obsolete.

Want to know more?

We'd love to explain further about how Ayup Connect can open up social prescribing to the whole community. 

Let's chat
A picture of Ayup's directors Ste Taylor and Mike Stephens in a hallway

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