Expert advice on co-production

Are you part of a team or project that's looking to build a stronger community asset for residents, but don't know where to start? We're offering a free workshop to help you kick off your co-production journey.

A circle made up of co production principles words: accessibility, equality, reciprocity and diversity

Free one-to-one training

Upskill and empower you and your team in co-production techniques and approaches with our free session on a day and time that suits you. We’ll then work with you to put this knowledge into practice by helping you to come up with a co-production plan to engage with key stakeholders and residents. The result? A better understanding of pain points and frustrations in discovering local support opportunities.

Topics covered in training include:

You’ll have your own co-design “plan of action” to take away after the session, which you can implement to start understanding user needs and opportunities for improving resident experiences.

In the workshop itself, we'll cover:

Co-production vs traditional design methods

Human-centred design

Benefits / drawbacks of co-production

Co-production tools, frameworks and activities

How to identify audiences and engage with them

How to do put this all into practice

Book now

Co-production can improve residence experiences in discovering relevant support and encouraging early signposting. This in turn can help reduce demand and ultimately lead to cost savings and efficiencies. Get started on your journey to these benefits today with our free training session.

Find out more
Squiggly line joining up pictures of people socialising, a phone box a tree and a document entitled "plan"

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