Published in Company

New name, same purpose: Introducing Ayup Connect

Ayup Digital has had a transformative shift, rebranding our flagship product as Ayup Connect.

By Alice Bowerman

We’ve made some changes around here recently at Ayup Digital, including a bit of a refresh and a new way of looking at our products and services.

Our flagship product, Ayup Connect, is an iteration of our Connected Places platform, a digital directory which serves as a community hub, and a means for early intervention and displaying statutory information, among other use cases.

Now, we’re bringing Ayup back into the forefront of our services, while keeping the key focal point of what we’re about at Ayup: connecting people to services which help them lead their best lives.

Ayup Digital’s Managing Director, Steven Taylor, explains the motivations behind the name shift,

“We started Ayup back in 2014, and since then, we’ve concentrated our efforts from our origins as a digital agency, to a platform provider specifically working with organisations who are looking to connect people in the community with support services,” he explains.
“Connected Places sprung from that focus, but now we’re looking to expand on that original product, and we wanted a way to name our suite of services. Ayup Connect is a founding block of that service, and we’re also offering a support wraparound product, Ayup Care, and other offerings which you’ll hear about very soon!”

Simple naming conventions aside, there was a greater pull back towards Ayup.

“Myself and Mike, Ayup’s Technical Director, weren’t quite ready to move away from the brand name we built our business on. When we came to decide which brand we wanted to put all our energy behind, Ayup had the stronger pull.”

Ayup Connect is a digital platform which allows organisations, such as local authorities and voluntary sector councils to manage and populate online directories for residents seeking support.

The localised design is created from co-creation with stakeholders from the outset, so the platform acts as a digital extension of the community, and a valuable asset in early intervention and light-touch social prescribing referrals.

Ayup Care is an ongoing support package which involves cloud setup on Amazon Web Services and maintenance and support. The renaming of Ayup Digital’s product line-up also coincides with the launch of a new website, bringing Ayup Digital and Connected Places back under one roof.

We have two new products in the pipeline for 2024. Watch this space, or if you’d rather not linger around, sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know of our latest product releases.

Ayup's Marketing Manager Alice Bowerman sitting at a kitchen counter with a cup of tea.

Alice Bowerman

Marketing Manager

Alice is responsible for working with the rest of the team and clients to increase Ayup Digital's visibility.

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